插接組合裝配式結構,層高均勻可調,優化型截面設計和高品質鋼材,可配置普通叉車,前移式叉車,三向叉車,承載力大,每層 承載達4500Kg,是最常用的倉儲系統設計方案.
Cut-in composite structurel,the height of each beam is easy to adjust,smart section design and high-quality steel,it can cooperate with most forklift trucks such as common forklift trucks,electric reach trucks,narrow aisle turret trucks,rack most in use weth heavy bearing capacity (Max 4500Kg for each shelf layer)the most widely used design scheme of the storagesystem.
貨架,托盤,倉儲籠,橫梁貨架,物料架,物料箱,週轉箱,塑料托盤,工作桌 溫州貨架,輸送線,流水線,滾筒輸送線王鵬